Mount Crushmore… everything is happening for you, not to you

Take the journey, face your deepest wounds

The universe has gifted us a way to heal the most broken parts of our spirit, through the intense full moon. We are being dropped to our knees, searching for the shards of our soul that shattered through trauma, abuse, abandonment, betrayal, addiction and more. Sifting through the pieces with our tender hearts exposed, we begin to feel like we are going to bleed out. Right there, on the floor. That is where we let the pain fill us completely. We experience it to the nth degree, allowing it to consume us with grief, anger, or hatred. We don’t stop the process until we have felt it fully.

We then become the witness. We then realize the purpose of the experiences: to make us stronger. They gave us Titanic-size street cred. We overcame the most heinous life events and came out the other side more powerful; unassailable, impenetrable. We know resilience, we have braved the stormy seas and come back to tell the tale. We begin to feel like the warrior, instead of the victim.

Once we begin to empower ourselves, we begin to empower others, by sharing our stories. Because that is what they are: stories. They don’t define us, they make us stronger. And we use that recently discovered strength and endurance to build a new life, with new possibilities and new opportunities for love, abundance, happiness, and purpose.


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