Supercise your courage and your abilities to create the life you’ve always wanted.

One moment at a time, one choice at a time, one day at a time.

I’m a desert mermaid, lover of animals, energy healer and facilitator. I offer healing sessions using Empowered Energetics.  Empowered Energetics is a system of healing that instantaneously deletes the root reasons, causes, and sources of energy imbalances, old limiting stories and dis-empowering beliefs. And simultaneously limits the influence of mind or ego. This will allow you to operate and live more fully from the perspective and unlimited potential of your Source, Spirit, Soul, Higher Self. I also assist people wishing to change their reality to manifest or actualize their best life possible.

As an INFJ, I love sharing my thoughts on this world. I am excited about expanding consciousness and creating a better world through writing and sharing. I started this blog for people who are ready to heal from the trauma and abuse of being human and create the most amazing life possible. I am not writing for those people who act like their life is perfect on paper, in photographs, or on social media. If you are ready for the new and improved you, tag along for the ride. You are the author your own chapters from this day forward.

If this blog resonates with you, and would like to contribute an article, send me an email at I look forward to hearing from you.

You can also find me on Instagram @artography_kristiwithak. I love to share the unique beauty I see in the world through my camera phone lens. Is it Venus conjunct Jupiter in Libra? Maybe. Anywho… take what fits and leave the rest. Always follow your heart, and do what is best for your soul. Much love.

~Kristina Lang



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