Welcome to the Destiny Cards System! If you have landed here you are wanting more for your life than what you have had so far. You know that there are keys to the kingdom somewhere and you are ready to unlock your destiny. So what brings you here? Love? Work? Money? The cards usually tell a story, and that story is the theme of your year, and the cycles that you are currently in. So what are these mysterious cards and how do I know what is happening in your life? Because it has been written down for all to make a study of!

Destiny Cards are an ancient system of knowledge that possibly dates back to Atlantis. They are a blueprint for your life, which uses astrology, numerology, and the planets to chart every year, every month, every day. It is like having the codes to your own personal matrix, your own personal calendar. What would you choose if you knew what was coming in your life? Would you choose the proverbial high road? Could you forgive someone their trespasses if you knew it was just “in the cards”?

Our birthday is associated with one of the 53 (52 + Joker) playing cards. You know the ones, with the hearts, clubs, diamonds, and spades on them. Each day of the year has a card assigned to it. That card, called the Birth Card, tells us much about our personality, character, and potential in the various areas of life. Our Birth Card is the most important symbol of who we are in this lifetime and of our karma – both positive and negative. It is also referred to as our Soul Card, Destiny Card, Sun Card, and Love Card. It is the card that we most identify with, and through which we receive the greatest gifts to share with those around us. Those people around us, the other “players” also have their own cards, and we can find them in your charts as well! The connections we have with these other “players” determine how and when they show up in our lives.

We have other cards too, like personality cards, planetary ruling cards (similar to the rising sign in astrology), a life chart and a spiritual chart. The spiritual chart also gives us clues as to who we may have associated with in a past life and what type of association it might have been. Were they a friend, a lover, a brother? A sworn enemy?

In the Destiny Card system each card placement or calender is derived from mathematical calculations taken from your birthday and your current age. It is these cards, and their meanings, that provide the information about every day of every year of our life, aka our own personal calendar of events. What kinds of events? Weddings, promotions, new jobs or lines of work, new loves, karmic relationships, money issues, relationship issues, and more! Can’t decide between two loves? It’s probably in the cards. Want to have a baby? That is in the cards as well.

30 minute session $75, 60 minute session $130

What are some of the things that a Destiny Card session can tell you? In a yearly chart, I have seen many events listed in the Destiny Cards that people have gone through such as going on vacation or going to a wedding, getting a major illness, having support from friends (or the opposite!), times to expand your business, what to watch out for with loved ones, endings and new beginnings. Each of the events are subjective, the cards can tell us what is happening but on an individual level it can be perceived many ways. For example, death can be perceived as the end of something like a job, project, or phase in our life, or to another person it could be a physical death.

Relationship Reports $25 or 2/$40

This report looks at the card connections between you and another person. There are three types of reports, Romantic Relationship, Business Partnership, and Friends and Family. Want to know if your potential date is a good fit for you? Wondering why you are having issues with a sibling or child and not another? Thinking of finding a new business partner but not sure if you will work well together? Great for meeting someone online and wanting to know the age-old question, “will we have chemistry?”  This report would help answer those questions and more. The report is emailed as a pdf. 18-22 pages.

Relationship Session $50

Here we discuss the parameters of the relationship and what kinds of issues are occurring based on how they show up in your yearly calendar. Sometimes we can be in a loving relationship but the person shows up in the time of the year known as Mars and we find we are very angry or irritated with them this year. It would be a mistake to end the relationship for such a temporary thing. However if we find that the cards indicate a love triangle or that betrayal may have occurred, then we would want to know that information to make an informed decision as to the direction of the relationship. The relationship report is included in this as well as any yearly influence reports with the other person. Our associates or “players” in our deck show up in life according to our chart for the year. Relationships change year to year and also season to season. It is amazing how accurate others behaviors are when we see their cards in our charts.

On the Spot Coaching, one question $40

This session is for those who are wanting to know what’s going on right now. This can include weekly, monthly, and possibly yearly cards to determine the best course of action to take. Usually these are more pertinent questions about work, friends, family and sometimes health.

Email Kristi@SuperciseYourLife.com for questions or to schedule a session. If inquiring about a relationship session, please send birthday information: month/day/year and name of person. If they are born on a cusp (the 20th-23rd) I need to know what astrology sign they are most like. If the person is born on December 31st they are the mysterious joker and as such cannot have a personal reading.


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