From Holeness to Wholeness

Journey to WholenessOne never fully realizes how incomplete, empty, or broken one’s life is until you really look inside and come to the realization: it wasn’t supposed to be this way. As you begin to dissect your life, you start to see holes where wholeness and continuity once were. These holes start to swallow up the safe places where you used to find sanctuary. This is the beginning of the awakening.

You look around. Things are not what they seemed. Were they ever? How could things have gone on like that for so long? You’re not in Kansas anymore. Like a stranger in a strange land, you start to question all the customs, the language, the dress. You have the costumes and the masks to prove that you were there; perhaps a few badges and trophies still hang on your silent complicit walls. This is not my beautiful house, this is not my beautiful wife… starts playing somewhere in your head. This is your awakening from the deep trance-like sleep you have spent your whole life in.

That first step is what the Journey to Wholeness is about. Becoming conscious and finding yourSelf.

Honor your heart as your compass and you’ll find your path to wholeness. ~Kristi 


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